Saturday, April 22, 2006

Turtles, Grannies and Charity Shops?

My very odd dream did infact contain a bright green turtle, someone's granny and several charity shops, along with Uncle Martyn and the vines of oranges...
I was walking to work with another person but I don't know who. It was an odd, imaginary work place which I never got to. We were walking along a steep, very green grass verge along side an average green hedge. Somehow I was pushing the other persons granny in a wheelchair along the verge too.
Along the way to work, we stopped at various charity shops to drop off various cups and a mug which I hadn't washed up, which I appologised for to the lady who ran the shop. I remember the mug had had tea in it and had a ring around the bottom from it. The lady went and washed it out.
I walked back from the third charity shop on my own, with the granny and other person having disappeared. Walking along I almost trod on a large turtle, which I spotted at the last minute. It was laying still on the verge right next to a gap in the hedge. It looked like this:

But with a very un-noticeable head - if one at all..

I was concerned for the cute, bright green camouflaged turtle, I didn't want anyone to tread on him! It appeared that he lived in the bottom drawer of a small pine chest of drawers in the gap of the hedge but had escaped! So I knocked on the house door and the lady who answered said that they hadn't got the room to let him roam in their garden, and couldn't afford to build a run for him (like for rabbits). Because I was worried, I offered to build a run with long bits of 2 by 2 and chicken wire.

When I suggested it to Uncle Martyn, he said that using the stems that oranges come off would be better as they shoot and get bigger. I asked whether if I planted orange stalks in the ground they would grow. He said no, don't be silly, they only shoot!

So he apparently built this turtle run without me and using orange stalks. I went back to the house to see how it was, but apparently the bright green turtle had died 10 days after the turtle moved into the new run!

Then I woke up.


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