Like Nails On A Chalk Board
Everything is sending my teeth on edge! You know that nasty cringey feeling you get in your teeth when you accidentally chew on a jumper, or screech your chair across the classroom floor? I'm getting it every five minutes! At anything. I was making strangled eggs in a Pyrex dish and just the sound of the fork on the dish sent my jaw all doolally. It is driving me bonkers and I don't know why it's happening. Poo.
Frank is in Wales at the moment on his practice gold D of E. I'm pleased that he went in the end because he's really enjoying it, even if I am missing him a weenie bit. Everything was going a bit tits up before he went, with a really hard essay to do which was going nowhere fast, revision to do but none done, and probably other work to do which probably wasn't done either. We were both quite stressed over it and he almost didn't go but an early return and extended deadline have smoothed everything out :0)
I have been doing lots of textiles work today and finished something quite marvelous towards my final piece, I'll try and put a photo of it on later.
Night night!
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